Click on various modes like Elemental Tower for example to select battles and towers, you can also witness events such as, for example, meeting Usalina, seeing Bella get corrupted, and meeting new people like DJ Vinyl in Battle Mode. To get to the Battle mode feature, click on the battle button on the bottom of the screen. Characters can still be shared in “offline” mode via a long code string that can be exported from the character’s profile. This method allows the player to use a simple code to share characters via the server. Exporting and Importing characters online is locked until the player reaches DJ Level 5 by gaining experience in Battles and minigames. Your character’s profile now has slots for your character's favorite Battle unit, favorite club, birthdate, age, profile information, decorative title, and character details not limited to dropdown menus. If you accidentally load a preset into your active OC slot, you can now click the 'Undo' button to go back to how it was before. The remaining buttons control character creation and are much like those of Gacha Life, except more expansive with additional accessories, an expanded color palette, asymmetrical options, and the ability to adjust the placement, rotation, and size of design elements. Like before, preset characters can be loaded into an active slot. These are sorted in the Preset menu by the club they represent. Zoom out of your active character window.Zoom into your active character window.

Using the buttons at the bottom, you can also copy parts of a saved character such as hair or clothes only. All slots start out populated with the default male character and can be replaced. You have 90 additional slots available for saving your OCs, as only the 10 at the right are able to be active or used in Studio mode. Swap your character with a stored one.The buttons to the immediate right of your active character are (from top to bottom): The opening screen displays your currently active character. Your ten studio-ready characters are available to the left. Options for editing and saving characters are to the right, and you can access the other parts of the game from the menu on the bottom.